They do through study about each and every aspect like comfort, usability, safety, beauty and create the product that is perfect in all aspects and they keep on improving and adding new features. A country located on the pacific ring of fire with not many geographical advantage, suffered number of natural and manmade disasters but they shine like the Sun among best economies of the world.
I feel the secret of Japan’s success is its very hardworking and dedicated people. People here are calm, soft natured, dedicated and very hardworking. They respect and love whatever they do. This is the major strength of this Nation. They have kept to their traditional values and worked collectively to make the nation one of the best economies of the world.
After the killer tsunami and earthquake of 11th March 2011 many economists are of view that this disaster has shattered the Japan's Economy. This would pull the economy and currency down. Though the losses were very high and situations very typical but economy is silently working to keep its position, the yen is standing strong and people are working with stronger dedication and are determined to 'Turn the crisis into Opportunity'.
Today they are focused to bring life to normal in the Tsunami affected areas. Reconstruction work is almost complete in the affected areas and people are coming back. People in other regions are working hard and trying to keep all situations under control and order. Government is planning to meet the finances for the reconstruction and rehabilitation work. But no signs of weakness can be traced.
Japan's Auto industry looks most affected by this crisis as production has gone down 60.1% Automobile production in April 2011 was recorded low as 292,001 units. Compared with the 731,829 units total recorded for the same month of the previous year, this is a decrease of 439,828 units. But this slowdown cannot be assumed as downfall of this nation. May be they have slowed the productions to plan the future moves. Maybe they are more concern about the environment and creating more effective and eco-friendly vehicles. Slowdown production could be to assess the resources or to do research for some new and higher performing vehicles for the world market.
Japan auto industry may be on a slow moving journey towards totally different, easy and safer vehicles for future. Manufacturers may be developing better versions of electric or Solar powered more efficient, fuel saving, eco-friendly, safer and economical vehicle to hit the Japanese roads and world market. Surely the slowdown is not here to stay long. Japan auto Manufacturers are getting ready to come back with a Bang! All buyers of Japanese cars, buses, trucks, SUVS, bikes or any other vehicles do not be disheartened. All your favourite Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Isuzu and many more of vehicles will soon be available as ever before.
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